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"Only She Can Help You"

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Video: How To Make the Brown Scapular

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The Holy Rosary, Scapular
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Whereas, “… I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart… If my requests
are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.”
- July 13th , 1917


Whereas, “The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops
of the world, the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart."
- June 13th , 1929


Whereas, Popes Pius XII in 1942, John Paul II in 1984, and Francis in 2013, consecrated the world to
MY Immaculate of Heart and Pius XII consecrated 'the peoples of Russia' in 1952, and Benedict XVI
consecrated the catholic priests of the world in 2010, but none were done as God had commanded and I


Whereas, Scripture mentions that “… prayer was made without ceasing by the church unto God for him
[Peter, our first Pope] …. And the chains fell off from his hands.”
- The Acts 12: 5, 7


Whereas, Our Lord replied to Sister Lucy: “Pray, pray very much for the Holy Father.
He will do it but it will be late…”


Whereas, Remember, little Jacinta of Fatima, her prayers and sacrifices were always for the Holy Father … and then she would add poor sinners as you may also add your own personal intentions;


Whereas, “The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son [the sign
of obedience to God’s command]
. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope,
the bishops and priests."
- Akita, Japan October 13th , 1973; October 13th also being the anniversary of the miracle of the sun

Whereas, "Men must do what I want, they must be converted and say the Rosary … Mercifully, the
chastisement will not last one day longer than the refusal of men to conform to my request….”
- The Whole Truth
about Fatima, Vol I


Therefore, I Proclaim: “… I am Our Lady of the Rosary. Only She Can help you.”


In Witness Whereof: I have hereby set my seal with the Holy Rosary and cause This rosary is to be
recited for the Holy Father
[unceasingly] that he will be given the grace to consecrate Russia to My Immaculate
Heart in union with all the bishops of the world exactly as I requested
[add your own personal intentions]



Our Lady of the Rosary



Published on this day of: Unknown

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